the Richmond Geometry Festival 2021
Virginia Commonwealth University
June 10-11, 2021
This year’s format will be virtual
The Richmond Geometry Festival will focus on emergent research topics while bringing together specialists in two areas: low-dimensional topology and algebraic geometry.
In summer 2021, we will highlight developments in moduli theory together with new perspectives in Floer homology and Khovanov homology.
Ana-Maria Castravet (Université Paris-Saclay, UVSQ)
Dawei Chen (Boston College)
Gavril Farkas (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Eugene Gorsky (University of California Davis)
Jennifer Hom (Georgia Tech)
Robert Lipshitz (University of Oregon)
Orsola Tommasi (Università degli Studi di Padova)
Claudius Zibrowius (Universität Regensburg)
All participants are kindly requested to register here.
Poster Session
The festival will feature a virtual poster session with the aim of showcasing research by early-career participants.
Everyone is encouraged to apply to present their work at the poster session. The poster session application is an optional part of the registration.